

Pavel Tolmachev
Pavel Tolmachev Postgres Professional
19:00 03 April
22 мин

Let's get acquainted with GEQO in 20 minutes

-----------------------------------------------------------QUERY PLAN--------------------------------------------------------------
Hash Join
  Hash Cond: (Subject = GEQO)
  -> Hash Join
        Hash Cond: (**Optimizer task = choose the best query execution plan**)
        -> Seq Scan on **The number of potential plans grows exponentially as the number of tables in a query increases**
        -> Hash
              -> Seq Scan on **PostgreSQL solves this problem by using the genetic optimizer (GEQO)**
  -> Hash
        -> Seq Scan on **Topics of the report:**
              Filter: (**(What is GEQO)** AND **(Pros and cons)** AND **(How it works)**)
(10 rows)


PGConf 2023 Tolmachev v4.odp


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