

Alena Rybakina
Alena Rybakina Postgres Professional
: December
45 мин

Adaptive Query Optimization (AQO) in PostgreSQL




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Другие доклады

  • Maksim Afinogenov
    Maksim Afinogenov АО "ОКБМ Африкантов"
    22 мин

    Experience in porting the production management system database from Oracle DBMS to PostgresPro DBMS in a manufacturing enterprise

    The practice of transferring structure, logic and data from Oracle DBMS to PostgresPro DBMS. Features and main difficulties of migration. Advantages of PostgresPro in terms of porting logic.

  • Christopher Travers
    Christopher Travers Independent Community Member
    45 мин

    Crazy things you can do with PostgreSQL Indexes

    Of the relational databases, PostgreSQL is fairly unique in the indexing capabilities it offers. While most of us are familiar with the use of indexes to speed performance when filtering on columns, PostgreSQL indexes can do far more than this.

    This talk will focus on cases where difficult problems were solved through the creative use of indexes. Each of these cases is from an episode in my career.

    In this presentation, you will learn:

    • The general index access methods PostgreSQL supports out of the box
    • How the planner uses indexes (only on a high level)
    • Functional indexes
    • Creative use of Index Only scans.

    This is a talk for all audiences. The talk is primarily for beginner to intermediate users, but should have enough information for more advanced users to get some insight or inspiration from the talk as well.

  • Максим Милютин
    Максим Милютин Wildberries
    45 мин

    Analytical open-source solutions based on PostgreSQL

    Historically PostgreSQL was intended to transactional OLTP workload. This thesis is confirmed by row-based kind of storage and impossibility (or some complication) in building distributed engine of query execution based on MPP principles. However, due to extensibility of PostgreSQL core (first of all, by using of pluggable access methods) and tolerant license policy similar to BSD there were appeared new different forks and extensions allowing effective processing of big data in analytical manner.

    In current talk I'm going to review the PostgreSQL fork called Greenplum and Citus and TimescaleDB extensions from system developer's perspective by comparing their common analytical engine features: column storage, data compression, distributed query execution and so on. The results of such overview will be helpful to database architects seeking PostgreSQL-based DBMS for analytical workload.

  • Anatoly Anfinogenov
    Anatoly Anfinogenov АО "ВНИИЖТ"
    22 мин

    Vacuum Therapy: Treatment of Chronic DB Disease

    Three years ago we successfully migrated our application from Oracle DBMS to vanilla PostgreSQL. After that we faced with "childhood" diseases of our application on the new DBMS, which were successfully cured, and some "chronic diseases", which took much longer to deal with. One of the most memorable problems was the problem of DB performance degradation. The source of this problems was insufficient vacuuming of our database. The experience of understanding and solving this problem is offered to your attention in the form of practical recommendations to prevent DB tables and indices bloat and setting up PostgreSQL VACUUM/autovacuum parameters.