

Artem Sergienko
Artem Sergienko Postgres Professional
: December
22 мин

Cluster software hardening

Hardening is the process of strengthening the security of a system in order to reduce risks from possible threats. In my presentation, I will tell you how to protect service cluster communications using TLS connections, in order to avoid accidental or unauthorized access to Patroni's REST API and ETCD storage.


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Другие доклады

  • Mansur Galiev
    Mansur Galiev Maxim technology
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    pgCodeKeeper - a tool to simplify work with PostgreSQL

    We'll talk about the tool we created, which monitors changes in the database and creates scripts for migrations of selected objects both interactively and automatically.

  • V
    Vladimir Sitnikov PostgreSQL JDBC maintainer
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    A deep dive into b-tree indices for seasoned application developers

    A talk on how regular™ indexes work in PostgreSQL. The talk will be extremely useful for those who are starting to work with databases, and for those who have worked with them but have forgotten. If the talk hits the golden picks of "must-see onboarding developer", then the goal is achieved.
    We will tackle the following subtopics:
    - How an index can speed up search;
    - Should we index WHERE conditions;
    - Should we index ORDER BY statements;
    - Should we index foreign keys;
    - What to do if search pre-assumes multiple conditions;
    - Which column order should be specified in an index;
    - Cases when index causes a slow-down and how to reduce its impact on the app.

  • Владимир Комаров
    Владимир Комаров Сбербанк-Технологии
    45 мин

    The hitchhikers' guide to the databases

    There are a lot of different databases. We need some formal criteria to compare databases to each other.
    The very first idea is to divide SQL and NoSQL.
    NoSQL is a popular class of platforms developed in 2000s. Indeed, the rejection of SQL is not a fresh idea because there were predecessors of the relational database model, such as network and hierarchical models.
    The fresh «NoSQL» stream consists of the graph, object, and key-value models.
    Time-series, wide column, and «document-oriented» models are just extensions of the key-value model. Their advantage is the possibility to parse either key or value on a database server.
    The facilities of SQL are much more extensive than the key-value interface. So, the simplified interface is just a charge for the ability to build a distributed database.
    So, the data model is the first axis, and the distribution is the second one.
    It’s not trivial to release a distributed relational database. The reason is that distributed transaction is one of the most complex problems in IT, and one SQL operator can involve all the nodes in a single transaction.
    There are attractive efforts to create a distributed relational database. You should pay attention to Cockroach or Yugabyte. But these platforms haven’t got widespread.
    One day a man invented the in-memory cache. As random access memory got cheaper, in-memory technologies came to databases. Every considered class of platforms contains at least one in-memory member. TimesTen and SolidDB are relational and monolithic; Tarantool, Ignite, etc. are key-value and distributed; VoltDB is relational and distributed.
    Now the storage environment becomes the third axis.
    You can remember Teradata, Greenplum, MS PDW, and a few more distributed relational platforms. They are very successful commercial software. It’s true, but these platforms are not intended to process transactions.
    So the fourth axis is the load type: OLTP vs. OLAP.
    I would like to draw a 4-dimension cube on the blackboard, but I can’t :)
    There are no clear borders between the described classes. Relational databases get some non-relational facilities, while non-relational platforms implement SQL. Disk-based systems become in-memory features, while in-memory databases learn to store data on disk. Monolithic platforms become distributed versions.
    The main idea of this presentation is the following: you have first to define the class of platforms for your solution and then choose a platform inside a class.
    Not all the classes are equal. Monolithic platforms are much more robust than distributed ones. Relational model is universal in contrast to NoSQL. On-disk storage is cheaper than in-memory.
    That’s why a relational monolithic on-disk platform is almoast always the right choice. So, choose PostgreSQL! This platform really covers more than 90% of problems.

  • Dmitry Vasilyev
    Dmitry Vasilyev Postgres Professional
    45 мин

    How to manage PostgreSQL accounts in a microservice environment

    In this talk, I will explain how you can organize account management in a microservice environment: organization of a role model, authentication via SSO and cross-service authentication.