Другие доклады
Marco Slot Citus Data
CitusDB: расширение для масштабирования PostgreSQL
CitusDB is an extension for PostgreSQL that can distribute tables across a cluster of PostgreSQL servers. Data is stored in shards that can use append-partitioning for bulk-loading of time series data or hash-partitioning for real-time data ingestion. SELECT queries on distributed tables are transparently parallelised across the cluster, using all available cores. Distributed tables can also be joined in parallel, even if they are not partitioned along the same column. CitusDB is especially suitable for real-time analytics use-cases such as dashboards which require fast analytical queries over live data, and can simultaneously act as a scalable operational database. This talk will describe the internals of CitusDB and give a live demo of a large-scale CitusDB cluster.
Andres Freund Citus Data
Улучшая Buffer Manager
Postgresql's buffer manager has parts where it's showing its age. We'll discuss how it currently works, what problems there are, and what attempts are in progress to rectify its weaknesses.
- Lookups in the buffer cache are expensive
- The buffer mapping table is organized as a hash table, which makes efficient implementations of prefetching, write coalescing, dropping of cache contents hard
- Relation extension scales badly
- Cache replacement is inefficient
- Cache replacement replaces the wrong buffers
Kamil Islamov Stickeroid Ai
Оптимизация обработки данных аналитических отчётов
Method of automated refresh of preprocessed results of analytis reports is provided. Preprocessing and caching of reports allows ability for fast response for big data reports. Author describes the way of reports cache refreshing with minimum server loads and tuned actualization rate.