Postgres как основа BI платформы, особенности, практический опыт
I will tell you about why Postgres is first-choice product as a foundation for your BI system with classical OLAP workload. Briefly it will be said about existing open source BI solutions.
I will also describe specific of our architecture, why we chose snowflake scheme and how we are doing extract, transformation and load procedures. It will be mentioned about special Postgres tuning for OLAP and massive data bulkload workloads. Also I will let you know about Postgres usage as a column database with cstore_fdw by Citus and results achieved. Cons and problems of our approach will be described in the end of the talk.
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Roland Sonnenschein Hesotech GmbH
Оптимизация PostgreSQL для реальных промышленных систем
Often it is enforced by the customer or even by law, to document the circumstances of the production of parts or lots. This talk is about the automated generation and storage of the corresponding administrative data and their correlation to measurements. Administrative data are entities like suppliers batch, article, serial number or production date. They are often to be exchanged with ERP systems.
Vladimir Borodin Яндекс
Пул соединений в масштабе
It's not a secret that PostgreSQL connections are expensive so you should save them. To solve this problem there are PgPool-II and PgBouncer for quite a long time. At Yandex tens of thousands of connections to a single database is not a surprise so we use pgbouncer since time immemorial. This talk gives an overview of problems we faced and ways to solve them.
Oleg Alekseev МойСклад
Полуавтоматические конверсии схемы данных в МойСклад
MoySklad online service includes important component - semiautomatic database conversion framework. Its history and supported conversions are subject of this speech.
Marco Slot Citus Data
Ускоряясь до миллиона записей в секунду: масштабирование PostgreSQL с помощью Citus MX
Citus allows you to distribute postgres tables across many servers. It extends postgres to transparently delegate or parallelise work across a set of worker nodes, enabling you to scale out the CPU and memory available for queries.
One year ago, we began a long journey to allow Citus to scale out another dimension: write throughput. With writes being routed through a single postgres node, write throughput in Citus was ultimately bottlenecked on the CPUs of a single node. Citus MX is a new edition of Citus which allows distributed tables to be used from from any of the nodes, enabling NoSQL-like write-scalability.