

Dmitry Yuhtimovsky
Dmitry Yuhtimovsky Gilev.ru
: December
45 мин

Debugging 1С code in PostgreSQL DBMS

  1. 1C:Enterprise 8 and PostgreSQL 9 interoperability 1.1 Changes in new 1C platform versions 1.2 v81c_data and v81c_index schemas 1.3 Sending 1C queries to SQL 1.4 Using 1C technological log events for PostgreSQL diagnostics
  2. Analyzing queries that affect PostgreSQL performance 2.1 A free tool for automating log parsing 2.2 Pareto principle in action 2.3 Installation and configuration of the tool 2.4 A case study of query optimization 2.4.1 An issue in a PostgreSQL query 2.4.2 Finding non-optimal operations in a query 2.4.3 Resolving inefficiencies
  3. PostgreSQL statistics for performance diagnostics 3.1 Comparing Postgres with MS SQL Server 3.2 Troubleshooting locks 3.3 Operating load diagnostics 4 Case studies by the gilev.ru team



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