Отказоустойчивый PostgreSQL кластер с Patroni
In the modern world, an increasing number of IT companies are moving their resources to the cloud and Zalando is not an exception. A rapid growth our company is experiencing along with an adoption of microservices were the main driving forces behind the changes introduced into the deployment procedure of new PostgreSQL clusters and the solution of the automatic failover problem. The majority of existing solutions for automatic failover require manual configuration of every cluster instance and complicates provisioning new clusters and new nodes into existing cluster.
Другие доклады
Alexander Alekseev Postgres Professional
ZSON, расширение PostgreSQL для прозрачного сжатия JSONB
ZSON is a PostgreSQL extension for transparent JSONB compression. Compression is based on a shared dictionary of strings most frequently used in specific JSONB documents (not only keys, but also values, array elements, etc). In some cases ZSON can save half of your disk space and give you about 10% more TPS.
Dmitry Melnik ИСП РАН
Динамическая компиляция SQL-запросов в PostgreSQL с использованием LLVM JIT
Currently, to execute SQL queries PostgreSQL uses interpreter, which implements Volcano-style iteration model. At the same time it’s possible to get significant speedup by dynamically JIT-compiling query “on-the-fly”. In this case it’s possible to generate code that is specialized for given SQL query, and perform compiler optimizations using the information about table structure and data types that is already known at run time. This approach is especially important for complex queries, which performance is CPU-bound.
Andrey Fefelov Mastery.pro
Postgres как основа BI платформы, особенности, практический опыт
I will tell you about why Postgres is first-choice product as a foundation for your BI system with classical OLAP workload. Briefly it will be said about existing open source BI solutions.
I will also describe specific of our architecture, why we chose snowflake scheme and how we are doing extract, transformation and load procedures. It will be mentioned about special Postgres tuning for OLAP and massive data bulkload workloads. Also I will let you know about Postgres usage as a column database with cstore_fdw by Citus and results achieved. Cons and problems of our approach will be described in the end of the talk.
Anton Doroshkevich ИнфоСофт
PostgreSQL - реальная альтернатива для высоконагруженных систем на базе 1С
- Why is it time to consider switching to PostgreSQL?
- 1С and PostgreSQL interoperability.
- Why should we start with Windows?
- The first experience of migrating big enough 1С databases to Postgres.
- Large-scale projects on high-load systems, in figures.