

Alexey Mergasov
Alexey Mergasov НОКСА Дата Лаб
17:30 17 March
22 мин

Эффективная работа с 10+ ПБ данных в PostgreSQL или новая парадигма построения "бережливых" инфраструктур данных для Data-Driven Enterprise

Alexey will present technical details and share hands-on experience of extreme data normalization application for data infrastructure with exceptional parameters design and development. Extreme normalization-based data infrastructures has the following competitive advantages in comparison with market leaders: - Real-time data processing for 10 PB of data and more - 2-6 times better overall performance - 100% data consistency through total data landscape - Almost linear scalability - 4-10 lower cost of ownership - etc The abovementioned approach has been successfully utilized out of Russian market in telecommunication, retail, fin-tech, manufacturing (Industry 4.0, industrial IoT), and government institutions.



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