

Oleg Bartunov
Oleg Bartunov Postgres Professional
: December
22 мин

PostgreSQL JSON Roadmap

The new ISO/IEC 9075-2:2016 standard specifies JSON data and operations syntax and semantics specifics for SQL. This talk overviews the requirements of this standard, and focuses on the differences between them and the actual implementation of JSON/JSONB in PostgreSQL. Special attention will be paid to JSON Path (XPath analogue), SQL/JSON functions and our plans to make Postgres compliant with this standard.



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    Partitioning with pg_pathman

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    Egor Rogov Postgres Professional
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    ProBackup: fast, reliable, and incremental

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    Demonstration script:

  • Masahiko Sawada
    Masahiko Sawada NTT OSS Center
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    Buit-in Sharding update and future

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