

Alexander Kukushkin
Alexander Kukushkin Zalando SE
: December
45 мин

How not to screw up when building HA cluster

You just set up your first PostgreSQL cluster, created a database schema, loaded some data, did some fine tuning of configuration. Now you want to make your cluster highly available. Unfortunately, PostgreSQL doesn't offer built-in automatic failover, but luckily for us, there are plenty of external tools for that. As a next logical step you start choosing a tool, and... you already doing it wrong, because first you have to define SLA, RTO, and RPO. In this talk I am going to cover most of the common mistakes people do when setting up a highly available cluster.



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    Towards more efficient query plans: PostgreSQL 11 and beyond

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    The Ultimate Tool: Xobot IDE

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    The life cycle of stored procedures makes it difficult to use standard Change Management tools and practices. It is necessary to adapt the operations upon the stored procedures to the standards of Change Management, yet staying within the comfortable development practices.

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