Высоконагруженная распределенная система управления современной АЭС
This talk will represent a new platform of Distributed Control System for Nuclear Power Plant operation. Participants will learn about control system for very complicated automation objects. In a hard real time node more than 150 special subsystems are operating in order to control various technological processes of nuclear power plant (NPP), such as reactor control system for more than 1000 MW power unit with a turbine weighing more than 2000 tons. More than 100K of data gained from sensors are resulting in up to 500K of parameters representing 5 branches of physical processes: neutron kinetics, hydrodynamics, chemistry and radiochemistry, and physics of strength. Deviations may cause the whole system to become a huge DDoS source made of useful diagnostic information which is always much larger than the network and hardware are capable to manage. This may lead to normal operation failure. The talk will reveal the approaches to solve the issue.
You will learn about hardware and software architecture of such systems, about backup and replication, data redundancy and technological diversity. How to manage high loads, what is QoS, and what will happen in case of normal operation system failure, as for example was at Fukushima. But, hey, there should be a talk about coding! So, no SSD and HDDs, only InMemory, data structures from tens of millions of elements, and forget about processor cache as it does not work. Imagine your newest 4-generation Xeon has lost all the advantages and turned into a "pumpkin", so let's roll up your sleeves and examine timings, synchronicity, and try to make the most of your hardware, discovering the weakest link from processor, operating system and a network.
Другие доклады
Dmitry Belyavskiy ТЦИTeodor Sigaev Postgres Professional
LTREE: расширяем синтаксис
At the end of 2018, I've got a request to extend the syntax of the ltree contrib. I'm finalizing the patch and going to speak about:
- the current state of the extension,
- the extended syntax, and
- the process of development and testing the extension.
Joshua Drake Command Prompt, Inc.
Сила логической репликации
One of the most soft after features of Postgres v10 is logical replication. In this presentation we will cover what Logical Replication is, how it compares to Binary (Streaming Replication), how Logical Replication works, configuring Logical Replication, Logical Replication limitations, gotchas, security and management. We will also discuss potential deployed architectures with Logical and Binary Replication and some neat features of the underlying technology.
At the end of this presentation an attendee with a reasonable understanding of how to manage Postgres will be able to configure Logical replication for use.
Александр Смолин Красноярский ИВЦ - СП ГВЦ - ОАО "РЖД"
Настройка и профилирование виртуальной инфраструктуры VMware для интенсивного ввода/вывода PostgreSQL
Virtualization in companies has become an alternative to the conservative "one task-one server" approach, which allows efficient use of hardware resources, centralized management of server infrastructure, saving energy and cooling resources. The report explains how to configure the VMware environment for intensive input / output PostgreSQL and profiling tools virtual infrastructure to monitor performance and resolve identified problems.
AAnna Akentyeva Postgres Professional
Autovacuum: что можно узнать, если прочитать код, а не документацию
In this talk we will have a look at the details of autovacuum's implementation and see what kind of practical implications they have. The talk will also provide a short overview of patches for autovacuum that are currently being considered by the developer community and that may be included in newer versions of PostgreSQL.