

Teodor Sigaev
Teodor Sigaev Postgres Professional
: December

Postgres Pro Enterprise features

Postgres Pro Enterprise features description from the developers.



Другие доклады

  • Alexander Nikitin
    Alexander Nikitin ЗАО ЦФТ
    22 мин

    Migration database Zabbix from Oracle to PostgreSQL

    In the report I will talk about how Zabbix appeared in our company, how we lived with Oracle, why we decided to switch to PostgreSQL, what problems we had during the transition, and what software seemed like a good choice for working with PostgreSQL.

  • Andrey Zubkov
    Andrey Zubkov ООО "Пармалогика"
    22 мин

    Using a GiST index in solution of custom search problem

    I'll show an example of solving the problem of searching "similar" texts for one given text in big array using GiST index. The problem itself is not much important, but it is easy to understand. Using this problem as example, I'll show one of many methods of adapting GiST index for custom search problems. Maybe this talk will help you to solve other search problems.

  • Тарас Чикин
    Тарас Чикин Цифромед
    45 мин

    To Eat "the Elephant" in chunks: how we made friends with MSSQL, Postgres, wrote our replication, and transferred to Postgres one of the largest MISes in Russia.

    It is our experience of the medical information system "RT MIS" transfer from MSSQL to PostgreSQL . When the necessity of transfer to PostgreSQL in our "RT MIS", one of the largest medical information systems, became imminent, we felt really terrified having assessed its amount: there was a huge number of stored procedures, functions, SQL-queries in its application code and services. It all requested transcribing, was exacerbated by demands on the system accessibility. So the variant "we awoke in the morning and PostgreSQL was working everywhere" was definitely impossible. That is why we chose another way: began eating "the elephant (PostgreSQL)" in chunks.

    In my report, I am going to share our practical experience of the transfer, the instruments we used, the reason for another replication, the problems we met and their solutions. And finally, what turned out to be better: PostgreSQL or MSSQL.

  • Oleg Bartunov
    Oleg Bartunov Postgres Professional
    45 мин

    Everything about full text seach

    PostgreSQL built-in full text search gives unique possibilities inaccessible for external search engines, such as virtual or generated document search and search with access restrictions. I will talk about these and other features, full text search configuration, indexes, and highlight the latest advances and future expectations