

Александр Кварацхелия
Александр Кварацхелия БАРС Груп
Александр Чирков
Александр Чирков Барс Груп
: December
45 мин

Migration from Oracle to PostgreSQL using an automatic converter

In the report, we want to talk about the experience of migrating one large system from Oracle to PostgreSQL. The system itself was built on the PHP + Oracle stack; its distinguishing feature was that all business logic was implemented in PL / SQL code. In a DBMS, there are more than 3000 packages with 4-10 functions (procedures) in each. In PHP - more than 10,000 forms with inserts of anonymous blocks used to receive data, process and save results in Oracle.

To solve this extremely voluminous work, we took ANTLR4 (a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text), PL/SQL grammar, and created an automatic converter that allows you to convert all objects in the schema and our system from Oracle to working code for PostgreSQL.



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