PG_QUERY_STATE: Всё о внутренней жизни ваших запросов
When working with PostgreSQL, we regularly encounter queries that take suspiciously long to be executed. What if it's too late to enable statistics or auto explain, and cancellation of the query doesn't look sensible, but you still need to find out what caused the issue or see at what stage execution the query is? pg_query_state is an open source PostgreSQL extension, which can give you access to the query execution plan in real time. It also makes available statistics for each node, including the number of processed rows.
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Другие доклады
Gregory Smolkin Postgres Professional
Бекап 1.5K кластеров с помощью pg_probackup
PostgreSQL maintenance without backups is unacceptable. The constant growth of PostgreSQL clusters in maintenance creates new issues and bottlenecks for the chosen backup scenario. In this presentation, we will explain how to efficiently use pg_probackup under such circumstances.
Alexey Firsov S7 techlab
Что такое PostgreSQL для Python-разработчика?
I will not teach you database design or query optimization. This talk will cover Python drivers, PostgreSQL usage in Python, and various tools from sync and async world enabling such usage, and how this ecosystem evolved. We'll discuss Python libraries including aiopg, psycopg2, asyncpg, pgbouncer and how they interact with Postgres.
Иван Чувашов ООО Calltouch
Неожиданности PostgreSQL, которые украдут вашу ночь
We maintain large PostgreSQL databases with the total data volume exceeding 180 TB. Every instance in the cluster gets a workload of 15 thousand requests per second. These circumstances certainly impose limitations on the classical approach to updating database structures. The cost of a DBA error gets higher, as even a small error can lead to a sleepless night) In my talk, I will cover our existing limitations for changes in the production environment, non-classical DBMS behavior under heavy workloads, and will discuss PostgreSQL in general.
Alexander Nikitin ЗАО ЦФТ
Работа с запросами с точки зрения DBA
Optimisation of queries can have a significant impact on database performance. In my talk, I will review the tools that we use in our practice and discuss some use-cases. This talk is of interest to database administrators or developers who would like to optimise their database performance and learn new query optimisation techniques.