Жизнь после импортозамещения: некоторые особености настройки БД и хранимых процедур
Many books end with a wedding, but the reader has no idea about the future life of the heroes except that they lived happily ever after. In 2019, we successfully migrated distributed our railway application from Oracle 11g SE to vanilla PostgreSQL 11.9. But our story did not end with this successful migration - life went on, and sometimes we got startled because of "surprises". We encountered a number of problems, some of which were solved by reorganizing the data, some disappeared after we changed our stored procedures, and some got resolved after tuning the PostgreSQL parameters. Solving our problems would be impossible without the logging and profiling system built into our DB application. Our talk covers the examples of successful detection and resolving of the performance issues that occurred in our PostgreSQL-based application.
Видео доступно участникам мероприятия, выполнившим вход в личный кабинет
Другие доклады
Alexander Liubushkin ООО "ФОРС Телеком"Rustam Abdrakhimov ООО Форс-Телеком
Опыт применения Live Universal Interface (LUI) и PostgreSQL в создании системы аналитической отчётности
The talk covers the use of PostgreSQL, LUI and LUI4ORA2PG for building an analytical reporting system.
The talk tackles the following topics:
- migration from an Oracle environment;
- application of JSON functions;
- how the temporary tables helped us;
- our own means for load testing and bottlenecks detection;
- how to make beautiful GeoJSON format maps to display diagrams on them;
- installation and testing of the system on an "Elbrus" computer;
- what became an obstacle or was missing when using PostgreSQL.
The history of growth of the Live Universal Interface (LUI) web application development tool and the LUI4ORA2PG migration tool can be found in our previous presentations at PGConf conferences:
https://pgconf.ru/2019/118109 ;
https://pgconf.ru/201911/264095 ;
https://pgconf.ru/2020/262456 ;
https://pgconf.ru/2021/288310 .
Alexandra Kuznetsova Postgres Professional
Агент мониторинга Mamonsu: обзор инструмента, его возможности
Mamonsu is an active monitoring agent for PostgresSQL based on Zabbix. We are actively developing the agent: there are new unique metrics and visualization capabilities. But in addition to metrics collecting mechanism, Mamonsu has other useful features. I am going to briefly describe these features also known as "Mamonsu tools", the agent's advantages and the installation process.
Alexey Borschev Postgres Professional
NULLs в Postgres
This presentation is about NULLs implementation in the Postgres database: - What is NULL? - How is it handled by various Postgres functions? - How are NULLs stored in the database? - Indexing of NULLs