Перепланирование безнадежных запросов в реальном времени
During the years of its existence, Postgres Pro piled up a pool of problems when query execution was inappropriately slow or a query was too expensive to be executed, so it was never executed. Almost always in our practice, this was due to the choice of a non-optimal query plan. In our story, we will talk about a very unconventional attempt to solve this problem by re-planning queries. We will tell you what it is, how it works, who will find it helpful and the prospects for using this feature.
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Другие доклады
ММарк Ривкин Postgres Professional
Обзор планируемых новых возможностей СУБД Postgres Pro
Postgres Pro Enterprise is based on open source PostgreSQL. However, the difference is significant: the current version of Postgres Pro Enterprise has 40 more features that are not a part of PostgreSQL. 20 more mechanisms are being developed either as built-in features or separate products. This includes BiHA, DBaaS, pg_probackup, etc. In this presentation, we'll briefly discuss some of them.
MMikhail Zhilin Postgres Professional
Способы решения проблем PostgreSQL путём отладки и профилирования
Unfortunately, ideal computer systems exist only in science fiction books. PostgreSQL is not exception and sometimes problems may occur. I would like to discuss how to correctly (and incorrectly) try to solve a problem, which way to choose, which tool to use.
The talk is of interest to both beginners and experienced users and database administrators.
AAnton Doroshkevich ИнфоСофт
Всё работает! Что вам ещё надо?
I have been working with 1C on PostgreSQL for 6 years, and the DBMS has changed significantly since I started. In this presentation, I'm going to cover the progress it has made. The users will, just as always, claim that this is not enough. So in addition to milestones and achievements, I'll tackle the possible feature requests from the maintenance viewpoint and explain some workarounds.
Anton Nemtsev ООО "Нетрика"
Инструменты автоматизации миграции: практика создания и использования
A story about practical approaches and tools for automating migration using 2 examples: a database with a structure change in the new version and a database with a significant content of the application's business logic.