

September 23 – 24 , 2017

PGConf.Siberia 2017

Academpark, 12, Nikolaeva, Novosibirsk


Архив докладов

PGConf.Siberia 2017
  • Anton Doroshkevich
    Anton Doroshkevich ИнфоСофт
    45 мин

    1C platform and PostgreSQL

    The file-based storage for 1C should be left in the past. We will compare SQL Express and PostgreSQL on Windows platform, outlining some useful features of MS SQL, still lacking in PostgreSQL, discuss usage of tablespaces in PostgreSQL and MS SQL. Then we'll discuss the important configuration settings and critical operations for running 1C platform, replication, cascades, a fast way for creating developer copies of the databases, and make backups and check their integrity.

  • Ivan Kartyshov
    Ivan Kartyshov Postgres Professional
    45 мин

    PgProBackup - the right way to do Postgres backup

    The talk describes the existing solutions for backup and restore for PostgreSQL, including barman, pgbackrest and pg_probackup utilities. The comparison of their functions with analysis of theis drawbacks and advantages will be presented. You will learn how to setup a block level incremental backup with compression and integrity verification.

  • Михаил Кулагин
    Михаил Кулагин Postgres Professional
    45 мин

    PostgreSQL and high availability

    The highly available configurations for PostgreSQL are usually mode with the help of binary replication and some third party utilities. This talk will review the existing solutions, including a simple one based on corosync/pacemaker, which is supported by Postgres Pro. A live demo will be presented.

    Another hight availability approach is proposed by the multimaster Postgres Pro extension, which provides high availability without any third-party products. A live demo and description of multimaster caveats will be presented.

  • Dmitry Ivanov
    Dmitry Ivanov Postgres Professional
    45 мин

    Pathman - the effective way to table partitioning in PostgreSQL

    Table Partitioning is a highly demanded functionality of PostgreSQL. The existing possibility to make partitioning through inheritance has several serious disadvantages, such as ineffective planning, missing runtime optimization, need to manage triggers and sections manually.

    This talk describes the pg_pathman extension developed by our team. pg_pathman supports HASH and RANGE partitioning and performs query optimization during planning and execution stages, allows fast includes by using custom executor nodes instead of triggers, supports FDW, lock-free data migration and other possibilities.

    In conclusion I will describe the new features, expected in next releases, and our plans for integration with PostgreSQL 10.

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