PgConf.Siberia 2018
Архив докладов
Gregory Smolkin Ozon
Антон Горошкин СибГУ им. М.Ф. Решетнева
Опыт использования PostgreSQL в задачах автоматизации вуза
The using of PostgreSQL in the development of an automated University management system is considered.
Михаил Фисков ККОКБ имени профессора Макарова
3-х летний опыт эксплуатации 1С с postgresql в бюджетной организации.
When implementing 1c, they immediately started using the postgreSQL database. During operation, problems with the program's performance have repeatedly been noted, which manifest themselves when using certain functions. Analysis of the problems showed that in all cases the “fault” was not the DBMS or even the 1C platform, but the configuration.
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