PGConf.Siberia 2023
Архив докладов
PPavel Luzanov Postgres Professional
Встречаем PostgreSQL 16
PostgreSQL 16 is expected to be released in September. We are looking forward to a number of interesting and important changes in monitoring, logical replication and access management. My talk will cover these new features and many more; I am also open to conversations after the presentation.
Vladimir Sitnikov PostgreSQL JDBC maintainer
Прагматичный рассказ про b-tree индексы для разработчиков приложений
A talk on how regular™ indexes work in PostgreSQL. The talk will be extremely useful for those who are starting to work with databases, and for those who have worked with them but have forgotten. If the talk hits the golden picks of "must-see onboarding developer", then the goal is achieved. We will tackle the following subtopics:
- How an index can speed up search;
- Should we index WHERE conditions;
- Should we index ORDER BY statements;
- Should we index foreign keys;
- What to do if search pre-assumes multiple conditions;
- Which column order should be specified in an index;
- Cases when index causes a slow-down and how to reduce its impact on the app. -
Mikhail Rutman Postgres Professional
Как мы делаем встроенную отказоустойчивость в Postgres
Traditionally, fault tolerance in Postgres is achieved using built-in replication mechanisms and external utilities that monitor the state of running Postgres instances and react accordingly when various failures occur. In my presentation, I will tell you what we like and what we don’t like about this approach, what alternative we see, what we have been able to achieve to date and what we want to get by the release, which is planned for December.
VVasiliy Puchkov ООО
Как мы тестировали Adaptive Query Optimization на разных конфигурациях 1С
- Some theory: what AQO is and how it influences query planning
- Testing planning: selection criteria and test preparation
- Testing: what and how was measured
- Findings
- Some theory: what AQO is and how it influences query planning