

September 09 , 2023

PGConf.Siberia 2023

PGConf.Siberia 2023



Архив докладов

PGConf.Siberia 2023
  • Mikhail Rutman
    Mikhail Rutman Postgres Professional
    45 мин

    How we develop built-in fault tolerance mechanism in Postgres

    Traditionally, fault tolerance in Postgres is achieved using built-in replication mechanisms and external utilities that monitor the state of running Postgres instances and react accordingly when various failures occur. In my presentation, I will tell you what we like and what we don’t like about this approach, what alternative we see, what we have been able to achieve to date and what we want to get by the release, which is planned for December.

  • Mikhail Zhilin
    Mikhail Zhilin Postgres Professional
    45 мин

    How to solve problems in PostgreSQL using debugging and profiling

    Unfortunately, ideal computer systems exist only in science fiction books. PostgreSQL is not exception and sometimes problems may occur. I would like to discuss how to correctly (and incorrectly) try to solve a problem, which way to choose, which tool to use.

    The talk is of interest to both beginners and experienced users and database administrators.

  • V
    Vasiliy Puchkov ООО
    45 мин

    How we tested Adaptive Query Optimization on various 1C configurations

    • Some theory: what AQO is and how it influences query planning
    • Testing planning: selection criteria and test preparation
    • Testing: what and how was measured
    • Findings

  • A
    Alexey Fadeev Sibedge
    45 мин

    Postgres + PLV8 Docker image: 100K+ downloads in one year

    We started using PLV8 in development in 2021. Primarily, we have started to build our Postgres + our own needs. However, after some time, we found an active growth in downloads. Over the past 10 months, our image has been downloaded over 100 thousand times, while we have not been engaged in its promotion. In this report, I will try to give an understanding of the growth in popularity of the project, briefly talk about its development, which improvements have aroused interest in the community, which have not, and share plans for the future.

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