PgConf.Siberia 2019
Архив докладов
Daria Vilkova Postgres Professional
Anton Doroshkevich ИнфоСофт
Особенности переключения 1С на реплику и обратно
1C is not able to work out of the box with several DB instances at once, so switching "out of the box" of 1C to a replica in case of failure of the wizard and back does not exist. In my report, I want to talk about approaches to such switching and several options for its implementation.
Rustam Abdrakhimov ООО Форс-Телеком
Live Universal Interface – быстрая разработка сложных интерфейсных форм для Postgres
For almost 2 years, Live Universal Interface (LUI) has been successfully used as an interface development tool for large industrial systems, the first report on it was at the conference "PgConf.Russia 2019" - LUI is very suitable for the development of billing systems, financial management, accounting and production control. There is experience in using LUI to create Personal Cabinet of end users. Support for almost all modern browsers, changing forms without compiling directly on the working system, collective development, rich infrastructure, rapid entry of the developer into the project, - makes LUI extremely convenient means of application-both in new projects and in long-existing ones, in which new forms will gradually replace the old ones.