

March 01 – 03 , 2021

PGConf.Online 2021


PGConf.Online 2021

PGConf.Russia is a leading Russian PostgreSQL international conference, annually taking together more than 700 PostgreSQL professionals from Russia and other countries — core and software developers, DBAs and IT-managers. This will be the first experience PGConf.Online


  • PostgreSQL at the cutting edge of technology: big data, internet of things, blockchain
  • New features in PostgreSQL and around: PostgreSQL ecosystem development
  • PostgreSQL in business software applications: system architecture, migration issues and operating experience
  • Integration of PostgreSQL to 1C, GIS and other software application systems.
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Архив докладов

PGConf.Online 2021
  • Ibrar Ahmed
    Ibrar Ahmed Percona LLC
    90 мин

    Оптимизация производительности PostgreSQL

    PostgreSQL is one of the leading open-source databases. Out of the box, the default PostgreSQL configuration is not tuned for any particular workload. The default configuration is designed in such a way that PostgreSQL can run on any system using minimum resources. Consequently, a default installation of PostgreSQL does not give optimum performance on the high-performance machine because it is set up to use all available resources. PostgreSQL provides mechanisms that allow you to tune your database according to your workload and machine specification. Outside of PostgreSQL, though, we can tune the Linux kernel to allow the database load to work optimally. In this talk, we will learn how to tune some of the PostgreSQL’s parameters, and we will see the effect of that tuning, but we will focus on demonstrating how to tune Linux for better Postgres performance. As there are so many Linux kernel parameters that can be tuned to improve the performance of PostgreSQL, I will also share the results of benchmarks obtained when tuning some of the Linux parameters.

  • Konstantin Evteev
    Konstantin Evteev Avito
    45 мин

    Формирование отчетов и аналитики в реальном времени с PostgreSQL.

    In today's world, operational reporting and real-time analytics are becoming a basic need. There are a huge number of tools, practices, and approaches, which in turn require different expertise and resources. In this talk, I will tell you how to transform your analytics using PostgreSQL. We'll discuss pitfalls when using different schemes. We'll talk about data quality and performance. I expect this talk to be of interest to both beginners and seasoned practitioners with many years of experience (Discussions and questions after the talk will be highly appreciated). The talk outline is as follows. 1. The evolution of reporting - migration from OLTP to OLAP. 2. Data delivery to DWH and related challenges. 3. Scaling architecture in response to growing data volumes. 4. Data quality issues. 5. Maintaining stability with a large number of changes. 6. Different approaches to organizing the work of the DWH team. 7. And, finally, we'll list the challenges we have successfully responded to with various solutions (pgAgent, PGWatch, working with the file system, the new reading of postgresql.conf).

  • Nikolai Ryzhikov
    Nikolai Ryzhikov Health Samurai
    45 мин

    SQL данными

    Almost every business app is essentially just a SQL generator. How to easily build and compose SQL queries? I will explain the "Clojure way" of representing SQL as data (data DSL) and show how it may help you to dynamically build and compose SQL queries up to macros and query analysis.

  • Anton Doroshkevich
    Anton Doroshkevich InfoSoft
    45 мин

    Сжатие на уровне СУБД в реалиях 1С

    Postgres Pro Enterprise has a great compression engine. The year 2020 was devoted to the study of this mechanism in the real work of 1C. We have accumulated some statistical data and of course the subtleties of the use and behavior of 1C compared to other popular DBMS, which I want to share.

Все доклады


PGConf.Online 2021


