Сетевой фильтр PostgreSQL для EnvoyProxy
How do you monitor Postgres? What information can you get out of it, and to what degree does this information help to troubleshoot operational issues? What if you want/need to log all the queries? That may bring heavy trafficked databases down.
At OnGres we’re obsessed with improving PostgreSQL’s observability. So we worked together with Tetrate folks on an Envoy’s Network Filter extension for PostgreSQL, to provide and extend observability of the traffic inout a cluster infrastructure. This extension is public and open source. You can use it anywhere you use Envoy. It allows you to capture automated metrics and to debug network traffic. This talk will be a technical deep-dive into PostgreSQL’s protocol decoding, Envoy proxy filters and will cover all the capabilities of the tool and its usage and deployment in any environment.
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Julien Rouhaud
Как перестать бояться обновлений glibc
PostgreSQL relies on the system collation libraries, such glibc or ICU, for text ordering. One know caveat is that when the library change its sort order for a collation, any index created using the old order is likely to be corrupted when the new version of the library is installed.
In this talk, we'll see the improvements done in PostgreSQL 14 to keep track of the collation versions, detect and fix possible index corruption due to library upgrades and the work currently being done to further improve this area.
Alexander Nikitin ЗАО «ЦФТ»
Неочевидные моменты процесса копирования и переноса баз данных и кластеров PostgreSQL
Cloning and transferring PostgreSQL databases & clusters often looks simple.
However, you can get confused while performing these simple operations, too. During my presentation, I will explain which pitfalls you may face while cloning and transferring PostgreSQL databases & clusters. We'll see what can be done to improve the performance of these operations and list the unexpected issues that arise while performing these seemingly simple operations.
Bo Peng SRAOSS, Inc. Japan
Развёртывание PostgreSQL-кластера с балансировщиком запросов и мониторингом в Kubernetes
Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration platform for automating deployment, scaling and management of application containers. Nowadays, more and more applications are being deployed in containers on Kubernetes.
There are several solutions that can help us to run a PostgreSQL cluster on Kubernetes. However, these solutions don't provide query load balancing capability. In this talk, I will show you how to combine PostgreSQL Operator with Pgpool-II to deploy a PostgreSQL cluster with query load balancing capability on Kubernetes.
Monitoring is a very important part in production environments. Although Kubernetes provides a basic way to monitor the status of a PostgreSQL cluster, this is not sufficient for managing a PostgreSQL cluster in production. An important improvement of Pgpool-II 4.2 release is the ability to output more useful statistics of the PostgreSQL cluster. In this talk, I will describe how to monitor and visualize the PostgreSQL cluster statistics in Prometheus for extensive cluster monitoring.
Henrietta Dombrovskaya Braviant Holdings
NORM - фреймворк без ORM
It's a well-known fact, that although the database performance is great, and each query is executed in milliseconds, the overall application response time may be slow, making the users wait for a response for an extended period of time. We know that the problem is not the database, but the way the application developers communicate with the database. Specifically, we are talking about ORMs - Object-Relational Mappers. Database developers hate them, but application developers love them because they allow developing applications without any knowledge of database internals. As a result, the system performance is often unacceptably slow.
The only way to change this behavior is to provide application developers with a tool, which is as easy to use, as an ORM, but which will allow escaping the common ORM pitfalls. That's why we developed NORM - No-ORM Framework. During this presentation, we will go over examples of code from https://github.com/hettie-d/NORM repo and learn how to build "transport objects" for efficient data transfer between applications and databases