Анализатор исторической нагрузки pg_profile/pgpro_pwr и его новые возможности
This talk is about postgres extension pg_profile - simple historic database workload profiler. I'll describe it's architecture, features and use cases. There is a new branch of pg_profile called pgpro_pwr, designed to run in PostgresPro Enterprise Edition and PostgresPro Standard Edition databases. It is using extended performance statistics of those databases providing some valuable benefits.
Другие доклады
Simon Riggs Enterprise DB
PostgreSQL и стандарты SQL
PostgreSQL is one of the most standards-compliant databases available. Talk discusses the impact that PostgreSQL has made on the SQL Standard and the features PostgreSQL has implemented from the SQL Standard, as well as upcoming features in PG14 and beyond.
Fabrízio Mello OnGres IncÁlvaro Hernández OnGres
Сетевой фильтр PostgreSQL для EnvoyProxy
How do you monitor Postgres? What information can you get out of it, and to what degree does this information help to troubleshoot operational issues? What if you want/need to log all the queries? That may bring heavy trafficked databases down.
At OnGres we’re obsessed with improving PostgreSQL’s observability. So we worked together with Tetrate folks on an Envoy’s Network Filter extension for PostgreSQL, to provide and extend observability of the traffic inout a cluster infrastructure. This extension is public and open source. You can use it anywhere you use Envoy. It allows you to capture automated metrics and to debug network traffic. This talk will be a technical deep-dive into PostgreSQL’s protocol decoding, Envoy proxy filters and will cover all the capabilities of the tool and its usage and deployment in any environment.
Daria Vilkova Postgres Professional
Обзор новой функциональности и настройка Zabbix Agent 2 для мониторинга PostgreSQL
In Zabbix Server 5.0.1 the PostgreSQL monitoring plugin has become available for Zabbix Agent 2. It was developed by Postgres Professional in collaboration with Zabbix. In the presentation, we will talk about how the plugin works, discuss some options for its configuration, as well as how to add custom metrics to it.
Yana Krasteva Swarm64
Современное хранилище данных на основе PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL has a long history in DWH. Netezza, Redshift, and Greenplum have turned specific PostgreSQL releases into DWH solutions. Nowadays, with the trends in PostgreSQL towards performance improvements (better partitioning, better statistics, JIT Compilation, etc.) and advanced PostgreSQL extensions, like the Swarm64 Data Accelerator, you can create a forward-looking, no lock-in, versatile, and reliable DWH. This talk will cover the PostgreSQL and DWH trends and touch on key arguments for choosing open source PostgreSQL for DWH.