

Anastasia Lubennikova
Anastasia Lubennikova Postgres Professional
: December
45 мин

PostgreSQL partitioning. Work In Progress

Native partitioning was introduced in PostgreSQL 10, and every new release comes with more features and optimizations to this area. Yet, there is still room for improvement.

This talk briefly compares the built-in PostgreSQL partitioning with third-party extensions (pg_pathman and pg_partman), to understand what we still don't have in the core. This talk also includes an overview of partitioning-related features that are currently being developed and aimed for PostgreSQL 14.

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    We will also discuss the other major work being done in logical replication which is to allow the streaming of transactions at the prepare time. This will help us in implementing conflict-free logical replication. This can be used for scaling-out reads as well. Because of 2PC, we can ensure that on subscribers we have all the data committed on the master. Now, we can design a system where different nodes are owners of some set of tables and we can always get the data of those tables reliably from those nodes, and then one can have some external process that will route the reads accordingly.

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  • Andrey Fefelov
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    How-to obfuscate Postgres database for load testing in web apps

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