

Oleg Bartunov
Oleg Bartunov Postgres Professional
Nikita Glukhov
Nikita Glukhov Postgres Professional
: December
45 мин

Inside JSONB

JSONB is a popular data type in Postgres, and there is demand from users to improve its performance. In particular, we want to optimize a typical pattern of using jsonb as a storage for relatively short metadata and big blobs, which is currently highly inefficient. We will discuss several approaches to jsonb improvement and present the results of our experiments.


Другие доклады

  • Yugo Nagata
    Yugo Nagata SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
    45 мин

    Updating Materialized Views Automatically and Incrementally

    Materialized view is a feature to store the results of view definition queries in DB in order to achieve faster query response. However, the data in the view gets stale after underlying tables are modified. Therefore, view maintenance is needed to keep the contents up to date. PostgreSQL has REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command for updating a materialized view, but this command needs to recompute the contents from scratch, so this is not efficient in cases where only a small part of a base table is modified.

    Incremental View Maintenance (IVM) is a technique to maintain materialized views efficiently, which computes and applies only the incremental changes to the materialized views instead of recomputing. This feature is required for updating materialized views rapidly but not implemented on PostgreSQL yet.

    Therefore, we developed IVM on PostgreSQL and are proposing to implement this as a core feature. The patch is now under discussion on the hackers mailing list. Our implementation allows materialized views to be updated automatically and incrementally when a underlying table is modified. You don't need to write your own trigger function for updating views. As a result of continuous development, the current implementation supports some aggregates, subqueries, self-join, outer joins, and CTEs (WITH clauses) in a view definition query. The result of performance evaluation using TPC-H queries shows that our IVM implementation can update a materialized view more than 200 times faster than re-computation by REFRESH command.

    In this talk, we will describe our IVM implementation and its features.

  • Andrey Fefelov
    Andrey Fefelov Mastery.pro
    22 мин

    How-to obfuscate Postgres database for load testing in web apps

    Postgres is a well-known database for high load web applications. Such apps require stress/load testing itself to run properly in production. Besides obvious difficulties in preparation a test environment identical to production, generating proper traffic there is another one issue - database preparation for the test environment. And it seems it is not good to use the database from production in the testing environment in the era of personal data protection (GDPR, HIPAA). Data obfuscation is the rescue.

    There are few instruments for data obfuscation in Postgres. During this session, I will tell you which of them we've selected and why what type of issues we faced, and if our solution was successful. You will know if it is possible to get an identical response on the test database without real data from production, we will observe some restriction on obfuscation, I'll present our utility which simplify things.

  • Yana Krasteva
    Yana Krasteva Swarm64
    22 мин

    Modern DWH with open-source PostgreSQL

    PostgreSQL has a long history in DWH. Netezza, Redshift, and Greenplum have turned specific PostgreSQL releases into DWH solutions. Nowadays, with the trends in PostgreSQL towards performance improvements (better partitioning, better statistics, JIT Compilation, etc.) and advanced PostgreSQL extensions, like the Swarm64 Data Accelerator, you can create a forward-looking, no lock-in, versatile, and reliable DWH. This talk will cover the PostgreSQL and DWH trends and touch on key arguments for choosing open source PostgreSQL for DWH.

  • Alexander Nikitin
    Alexander Nikitin ЗАО ЦФТ
    22 мин

    Pitfalls we face when cloning and transferring PostgreSQL databases & clusters

    Cloning and transferring PostgreSQL databases & clusters often looks simple.

    However, you can get confused while performing these simple operations, too. During my presentation, I will explain which pitfalls you may face while cloning and transferring PostgreSQL databases & clusters. We'll see what can be done to improve the performance of these operations and list the unexpected issues that arise while performing these seemingly simple operations.