

Andrey Fefelov
Andrey Fefelov Mastery.pro
: December
22 мин

How-to obfuscate Postgres database for load testing in web apps

Postgres is a well-known database for high load web applications. Such apps require stress/load testing itself to run properly in production. Besides obvious difficulties in preparation a test environment identical to production, generating proper traffic there is another one issue - database preparation for the test environment. And it seems it is not good to use the database from production in the testing environment in the era of personal data protection (GDPR, HIPAA). Data obfuscation is the rescue.

There are few instruments for data obfuscation in Postgres. During this session, I will tell you which of them we've selected and why what type of issues we faced, and if our solution was successful. You will know if it is possible to get an identical response on the test database without real data from production, we will observe some restriction on obfuscation, I'll present our utility which simplify things.


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