Ibrar Ahmed
Percona LLC
01 March
45 min
All about PostgreSQL Security
PostgreSQL provides different levels of security. This talk will cover all the available security techniques used in PostgreSQL 13. We’ll look at client-side security (LibPq, JDBC) through to server-side security. It will cover all supported authentication methods and the pros and cons of all these methods. Some of the key features of the talk are:
- Introduction to Cryptography
- Client-Side Encryption
- Securing Authentication
- Securing Data on the disk
- Securing Backup & Basebackup
- Securing Replication
- Database Roles and Privileges
It’s important to be familiar with all the security levels such as (1)network-level security (2) on-disk security (3) row-level, (4), and column level security. The talk will cover all the aspects with some real-life use cases and examples.