Как переносить данные из Oracle в PostgreSQL и обратно
PostgreSQL has become a reality in a lot of shops today. In most cases PostgreSQL is established beside the current Oracle deployment and quite soon one question pops up regularily: How can we push data from Oracle to PostgreSQL and vice versa? Way back, in March 2001, a new extension to the SQL standard made it's way to define common APIs for managing external data: SQL/MED (ISO/IEC 9075-9:2008). The PostgreSQL community picked that up quite fast and implemented a framework for plugging in so called foreign data wrappers back in 2011 with PostgreSQL 9.1. Since then a wide range of these foreign data wrappers popped up and thanks to those, PostgreSQL today is able to integrate data from almost every external source, no matter if it is coming from flat files, other relational database systems or even unstructured sources. In this talk we will look at the foreign data wrapper for Oracle and how it can be used to get data from Oracle to PostgreSQL. But this is not a one way game: data can also be pushed from PostgreSQL to Oracle, and this might become important depending on the requirements. It is guaranteed that this talk is splitted by half: Slides and a lot of demos.
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Bo Peng SRAOSS, Inc. Japan
Развёртывание PostgreSQL-кластера с балансировщиком запросов и мониторингом в Kubernetes
Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration platform for automating deployment, scaling and management of application containers. Nowadays, more and more applications are being deployed in containers on Kubernetes.
There are several solutions that can help us to run a PostgreSQL cluster on Kubernetes. However, these solutions don't provide query load balancing capability. In this talk, I will show you how to combine PostgreSQL Operator with Pgpool-II to deploy a PostgreSQL cluster with query load balancing capability on Kubernetes.
Monitoring is a very important part in production environments. Although Kubernetes provides a basic way to monitor the status of a PostgreSQL cluster, this is not sufficient for managing a PostgreSQL cluster in production. An important improvement of Pgpool-II 4.2 release is the ability to output more useful statistics of the PostgreSQL cluster. In this talk, I will describe how to monitor and visualize the PostgreSQL cluster statistics in Prometheus for extensive cluster monitoring.
Andreas Scherbaum Pivotal
Управление PostgreSQL с помощью Ansible
Ansible is an open-source configuration management and deployment tool, which can be used to manage servers and software installations. This talk will briefly cover Ansible itself, and then explain how Ansible is used to install and configure PostgreSQL on a server. Examples will round up the talk.
Yana Krasteva Swarm64
Современное хранилище данных на основе PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL has a long history in DWH. Netezza, Redshift, and Greenplum have turned specific PostgreSQL releases into DWH solutions. Nowadays, with the trends in PostgreSQL towards performance improvements (better partitioning, better statistics, JIT Compilation, etc.) and advanced PostgreSQL extensions, like the Swarm64 Data Accelerator, you can create a forward-looking, no lock-in, versatile, and reliable DWH. This talk will cover the PostgreSQL and DWH trends and touch on key arguments for choosing open source PostgreSQL for DWH.
Julien Rouhaud
Как перестать бояться обновлений glibc
PostgreSQL relies on the system collation libraries, such glibc or ICU, for text ordering. One know caveat is that when the library change its sort order for a collation, any index created using the old order is likely to be corrupted when the new version of the library is installed.
In this talk, we'll see the improvements done in PostgreSQL 14 to keep track of the collation versions, detect and fix possible index corruption due to library upgrades and the work currently being done to further improve this area.