

Christopher Travers
Christopher Travers DeliveryHero SE
16:00 01 March
45 мин

When it All Goes Wrong: Database Incident Response Dos and Don'ts

Once at Adjust we faced a problem of impending xid wraparound in a very central database due to a long-stalled autovacuum run. Because we spotted warnings 5 hours before impending disaster we were able to minimize the customer impact. Come learn how we used the time to prepare, and what lessons this has for others facing unusual problems in large databases.


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  • Darafei Praliaskouski
    Darafei Praliaskouski Juno
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    PostGIS 3.1 news

    PostGIS is a Spatial Extension to PostgreSQL database. This talk will look like reading the changelog aloud with some comments and real-world usage examples from the core developer.

  • Robert Bernier
    Robert Bernier Percona
    45 мин

    pg_upgrade, Advanced Techniques

    When it comes to performing postgres upgrades between major versions the command line utility pg_upgrade is the most popular method used today. But as with all things wonderful, there are caveats. One of the more critical issues is what to do when there's a failure. The purpose of this talk is to present those little covered "tricks" of the trade that allows one to improve and enhance the upgrade experience.

    We'll start out by reviewing its basic mode operation. We'll then learn what makes it so darn fast when upgrading multi-terabyte datacluster in a matter of minutes. Finally, you will be introduced to those feared failures and how to deal with them with confidence and certainty.

    Herein is a summary of the topics in this talk:

    • How pg_upgrade works: the big picture
    • About pgupgrade (comand line invocation)

      • arguments and options

    • The steps performing an upgrade
    • About the replication ROLE

      • with replication
      • with login

    • Upgrade options: COPY vs Hard Link
    • Post-upgrade

      • about performance
      • aboutanalyze
      • repack
      • reindexing

    • When something goes wrong at the point of no return (or is it?)
    • Upgrading the REPLICA
      • default method: pg_basebackup
      • the cool method:
        • - leveraging rsync
        • caveat; about vacuum wraparound
  • Andrey Fefelov
    Andrey Fefelov Mastery.pro
    22 мин

    How-to obfuscate Postgres database for load testing in web apps

    Postgres is a well-known database for high load web applications. Such apps require stress/load testing itself to run properly in production. Besides obvious difficulties in preparation a test environment identical to production, generating proper traffic there is another one issue - database preparation for the test environment. And it seems it is not good to use the database from production in the testing environment in the era of personal data protection (GDPR, HIPAA). Data obfuscation is the rescue.

    There are few instruments for data obfuscation in Postgres. During this session, I will tell you which of them we've selected and why what type of issues we faced, and if our solution was successful. You will know if it is possible to get an identical response on the test database without real data from production, we will observe some restriction on obfuscation, I'll present our utility which simplify things.

  • Anton Doroshkevich
    Anton Doroshkevich ИнфоСофт
    Teodor Sigaev
    Teodor Sigaev Postgres Professional
    45 мин

    1С ERP Platform + Postgres = ...

    CTO Postgres Professional Teodor Sigaev and 1C ERP platform expert Anton Doroshkevich will discuss the existing maintenance issues for 1C ERP on Postgres and their potential solutions.