

Egor Rogov
Egor Rogov Postgres Professional
14:30 01 March
45 мин

What's new in Postgres Professional training courses

Our company's educational projects are intended to facilitate learning of PostgreSQL. Last year, we focused on courses for application developers: we updated DEV1 basic course and released a brand new DEV2 course. What has changed in training materials representation, how we see the further development of the courses and what else do we have besides the courses, whether the courses for DBAs will be updated and how this will affect the certification and that's what I will talk about.


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    Daniele Varrazzo Codice Lieve
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    psycopg3: all the love between Python and PostgreSQL

    Python is today one of the most used programming languages in the world: simple to learn and to use and ready to interface to any known service and protocol. psycopg2 is the most used PostgreSQL driver for Python: it offers good performance and makes the communication between the language and the database as smooth as possible.

    Python has evolved enormously in the past years and its first-class support for async programming is changing the way new programs are written. PostgreSQL has evolved too: a new generation of the driver is needed to make the most of all the features it has to offer.

    psycopg3 is the new generation of the most used Python-PostgreSQL adapter: it offers a familiar interface and smooth upgrade path, but behind the scenes it is engineered to obtain the best performance from the database and the language: async programming, prepared statements, binary parameters.

    psycopg3 is also experimenting with innovative JSONB support and query pipelining! Come and discover the forefront of the research between your most loved language and database!

  • Amit Kapila
    Amit Kapila Fujitsu
    45 мин

    What's next in Logical Replication?

    Logical replication has been there since 10.0 and with each release, it is getting better. This talk will start with the basic architecture of Logical replication in PostgreSQL and then cover the various ways in which it can be helpful to users.

    One of the shortcomings of logical replication as compare to physical replication is that currently, it allows the transaction to be replicated only once it is committed. This can create a large apply lag on the subscriber side for long-running transactions. We will discuss the solution implemented for this problem for PostgreSQL.

    We will also discuss the other major work being done in logical replication which is to allow the streaming of transactions at the prepare time. This will help us in implementing conflict-free logical replication. This can be used for scaling-out reads as well. Because of 2PC, we can ensure that on subscribers we have all the data committed on the master. Now, we can design a system where different nodes are owners of some set of tables and we can always get the data of those tables reliably from those nodes, and then one can have some external process that will route the reads accordingly.

    In the end, this will cover the new enhancements, improvements related to Logical Replication in recent PostgreSQL releases.

  • Tatsuro Yamada
    Tatsuro Yamada NTT Comware
    Julien Rouhaud
    Julien Rouhaud
    22 мин

    Building automatic adviser and performance tuning tools in PostgreSQL

    PostgreSQL is a mature and robust RDBMS since it has 30 years of history. Over the year, its query optimizer has been enhanced and usually produces good query plans.

    However, can it always come up with good query plans? The optimization process has to use some assumptions to produce plans fast enough. Some of those assumptions are relatively easy to check (e.g. statistics are up-to-date), some harder (e.g. correct indexes are created), and some nearly impossible (e.g. making sure that the statistic samples are representative enough even for skewed data repartition). For now, given those various caveats, DBA sometimes can't always realize easily that they miss a chance to get a meaningful performance improvement.

    To help DBA to get a truly good query plan, we'll present below some tools that can help to fix some of those problems by providing a missing index adviser, looking for extended statistics to create, and row estimation error correction information to get appropriate join orders with join methods automatically.

    • pg_qualstats: provides a new index and extended statistics suggestions to gather many predicate statistics on the production workload.
    • pg_plan_advsr: provides alternative good query plans automatically to analyze iterative query executions information to fix estimation rows error.

    In this talk, we will explain how those tools work under the hood and see what can be done, how they can work together. Also, we will mention what other tools also exist for related problems. Therefore, it will be useful for DBA who are interested in improving query performance or want to check whether current settings of indexes and statistics are adequate.

  • Pavel Borisov
    Pavel Borisov Postgres Professional
    45 мин

    Speed up your fast text search queries with RUM index

    Fast text search queries can be made even faster with indexing on lexemes inside compound records of tsvector format. RUM index is an open-source PostgreSQL extension. It represents a big improvement of GIN index and it can index lexemes with additional information e.g. tsvector lexeme weight-mark. So it can support tsvector capabilities more.

    Until recently it was needed to recheck results of weight-containing queries by table. My modification (2020) is to make the processing of this kind of queries index-only and therefore much faster.

    Also, I will describe and provide benchmarks for different usage cases for fast text search. We'll see how RUM index can improve the performance and compare it with PostgreSQL internal GIN index.