Constraints или о том, как попытаться спокойно жить
There's a common delusion that constraints should never be used as they affect performance in a negative way, interfere with regular work, and are, all in all, useless. The database is commonly perceived as just a storage without any logic. I'll explain why it isn't so and what this careless approach may lead to.
Другие доклады
Igor Kosenkov Postgres Professional
Отказоустойчивый кластер PostgreSQL с помощью crmsh
Some OS distributions do not have a pcs configuration utility to create a high availability cluster PostgreSQL. In this case, the crm utility from the crmsh package will help us. It is more difficult to use, but powerful and effective.
In my master class, I will show how to use this utility, as well as configure a failover cluster in different configurations.
Nikolai Ryzhikov Health Samurai
SQL данными
Almost every business app is essentially just a SQL generator. How to easily build and compose SQL queries? I will explain the "Clojure way" of representing SQL as data (data DSL) and show how it may help you to dynamically build and compose SQL queries up to macros and query analysis.
David Steele Crunchy Data
Лучшие практики для бэкапов с помощью pgBackRest
Backups are a critical part of any enterprise database solution but they are often done poorly or skipped altogether, which can lead to data loss in the event of hardware failure or some other disaster.
In this talk we'll cover database backup best practices and how to implement them with pgBackRest, including:
- WAL archiving and retention
- Backup frequency and retention
- How to meet recovery time/point objectives
- Configuration options
- Performance considerations
Alexey Lesovsky Data Egret
Noisia - генератор аварийных и нештатных ситуаций в PostgreSQL
Noisia is the result of my past attempts to gather all the tools for reproducing various incidents with Postgres.
Noisia is an utility for easy creation of artificial incidents in a Postgres database. This talk will describe the reason for artifical incidents creation, what Noisia does and what is it's possible use. Also I will share the future development roadmap.