

Ivan Frolkov
Ivan Frolkov Postgres Professional
: December
22 мин

Trying to gain peace of mind by using constraints

There's a common delusion that constraints should never be used as they affect performance in a negative way, interfere with regular work, and are, all in all, useless. The database is commonly perceived as just a storage without any logic. I'll explain why it isn't so and what this careless approach may lead to.



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    Yana Krasteva Swarm64
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    Modern DWH with open-source PostgreSQL

    PostgreSQL has a long history in DWH. Netezza, Redshift, and Greenplum have turned specific PostgreSQL releases into DWH solutions. Nowadays, with the trends in PostgreSQL towards performance improvements (better partitioning, better statistics, JIT Compilation, etc.) and advanced PostgreSQL extensions, like the Swarm64 Data Accelerator, you can create a forward-looking, no lock-in, versatile, and reliable DWH. This talk will cover the PostgreSQL and DWH trends and touch on key arguments for choosing open source PostgreSQL for DWH.

  • Álvaro Hernández
    Álvaro Hernández OnGres
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    Deconstructing Postgres into a Cloud Native Platform

    Is deploying Postgres in Kubernetes just repackaging it into a container? Can’t Postgres leverage the wide range of Cloud-Native software and integrate well with K8s? Join this journey that will cover and demonstrate, with demos running on StackGres:

    • How to structure Postgres into an init-less container, plus several sidecar containers for connection pooling, backups, agents, etc.
    • Defining high level CRDs as the single API to interact with the Postgres operator.
    • Using K8s RBAC for user authentication of a web UI management interface.
    • Using Prometheus for monitoring; bundling a node, Postgres and PgBouncer exporters together.
    • Proxying Postgres traffic through Envoy. Terminate Postgres SSL with an Envoy plugin, that also exports wire protocol metrics to Prometheus.
    • Using Fluentbit to capture Postgres logs and forward them to Fluentd, which stores them on a centralized Postgres database.

    You will be able to follow the session on your own Kubernetes cluster, and go from zero to a Postgres hero on Kubernetes with little effort! Create in minutes your own Postgres-as-a-Service on your Kubernetes.

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    Evgeniy Dyukov
    Evgeniy Dyukov Yandex
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    How to manage an open source HA RDBMS in a cloud environment

    High availability solutions have become extremely popular in the past few years. They play a critical role in building reliable systems based on affordable hardware. In this presentation, we will pay attention to some of the subtle aspects of the design and maintenance of such systems. In addition, the issues of capturing changes on a HA cluster will be addressed.

  • Andreas Scherbaum
    Andreas Scherbaum Pivotal
    45 мин

    Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible

    Ansible is an open-source configuration management and deployment tool, which can be used to manage servers and software installations. This talk will briefly cover Ansible itself, and then explain how Ansible is used to install and configure PostgreSQL on a server. Examples will round up the talk.