![Daniele Varrazzo Daniele Varrazzo](/media/2021/02/12/avatar.jpeg.180x180.jpg)
psycopg3: как Питон полюбил Постгрес
Python is today one of the most used programming languages in the world: simple to learn and to use and ready to interface to any known service and protocol. psycopg2 is the most used PostgreSQL driver for Python: it offers good performance and makes the communication between the language and the database as smooth as possible.
Python has evolved enormously in the past years and its first-class support for async programming is changing the way new programs are written. PostgreSQL has evolved too: a new generation of the driver is needed to make the most of all the features it has to offer.
psycopg3 is the new generation of the most used Python-PostgreSQL adapter: it offers a familiar interface and smooth upgrade path, but behind the scenes it is engineered to obtain the best performance from the database and the language: async programming, prepared statements, binary parameters.
psycopg3 is also experimenting with innovative JSONB support and query pipelining! Come and discover the forefront of the research between your most loved language and database!
Другие доклады
Arseniy Sher Postgres Professional
Консенсус, Postgres, Мультимастер
Postgres Pro Multimaster is Postgres extension (and a set of core patches) providing high availability (HA) with strong consistency and read scalability. It forms symmetric shared-nothing cluster synchronously replicating the data and automatically performing disaster recovery. During the last year we've put significant efforts ensuring and proving that consistency is preserved in all scenarios. The new version, which will be released as part of Postgres Pro Enterprise 13 uses Paxos algorithm for determining transaction outcome and custom protocol governing the recovery process; we used TLA+ model checker to verify its correctness. I'll tell how these things work and why in some cases multimaster may be an attractive alternative to the traditional streaming replication based HA deployments.
multimaster is now open source, available at https://github.com/postgrespro/mmts
To make the talk less narrow specialized and more appealing to the wide audience, in the first part I will shed some light on how generally modern DBMSs (mostly so-called NewSQL) handle fault tolerance. In particular,
- what is a strongly consistent DBMS and the associated overhead;
- what is distributed consensus, Paxos, Raft;
- how they help here;
I won't do an attempt to explain any algorithms line-by-line; it would be hardly useful given the time frames and there is a lot of literature available anyway. The goal is rather to waymark the field and get you a bit comfortable there.
Andrey Zubkov Postgres Professional
Анализатор исторической нагрузки pg_profile/pgpro_pwr и его новые возможности
This talk is about postgres extension pg_profile - simple historic database workload profiler. I'll describe it's architecture, features and use cases. There is a new branch of pg_profile called pgpro_pwr, designed to run in PostgresPro Enterprise Edition and PostgresPro Standard Edition databases. It is using extended performance statistics of those databases providing some valuable benefits.
Ivan Frolkov Postgres Professional
Constraints или о том, как попытаться спокойно жить
There's a common delusion that constraints should never be used as they affect performance in a negative way, interfere with regular work, and are, all in all, useless. The database is commonly perceived as just a storage without any logic. I'll explain why it isn't so and what this careless approach may lead to.
Anton Doroshkevich ИнфоСофт
Сжатие на уровне СУБД в реалиях 1С
Postgres Pro Enterprise has a great compression engine. The year 2020 was devoted to the study of this mechanism in the real work of 1C. We have accumulated some statistical data and of course the subtleties of the use and behavior of 1C compared to other popular DBMS, which I want to share.