

Pavel Borisov
Pavel Borisov PostgresPro
16:00 03 March
45 min

Speed up your fast text search queries with RUM index

Fast text search queries can be made even faster with indexing on lexemes inside compound records of tsvector format. RUM index is an open-source PostgreSQL extension. It represents a big improvement of GIN index and it can index lexemes with additional information e.g. tsvector lexeme weight-mark. So it can support tsvector capabilities more.

Until recently it was needed to recheck results of weight-containing queries by table. My modification (2020) is to make the processing of this kind of queries index-only and therefore much faster.

Also, I will describe and provide benchmarks for different usage cases for fast text search. We'll see how RUM index can improve the performance and compare it with PostgreSQL internal GIN index.


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