

Premnath Jangam
Premnath Jangam CSG Systems International DBA
Abhinav Sagar
Abhinav Sagar CSG International Sr database consultant
17:00 04 февраля
45 мин

Life cycle of Database Migration from Oracle, DB2 to PostgreSQL

Many businesses which use Database management systems like Oracle, DB2 & MS SQL are unreliable these days. Moreover, the costs incurred in maintaining these systems and its product licenses keeps on increasing. As the competitors are migrating over to the new technologies and tools available in the market, it is necessary for these businesses to migrate to new environment which is efficient, consistent and reliable to stay in the market and the technologies used in the current environment have become obsolete or no longer serve the business purpose. PostgreSQL has emerged as a top open-source RDBMS software. Since there is no licensing cost associated with it most of the companies are planning to migrate the databases which are currently running on other RDBMS like Oracle, DB2, MS SQL server to PostgreSQL. This report summarizes the various methodologies, procedures and techniques involved in successfully migrating the data from Oracle to PostgreSQL & DB2 to PostgreSQL. Migration is not a simple effort there should be proper planning and testing involved in this right from database connectivity to performance analysis. In this paper we are going to cover most of the steps which we need to consider before the migration and after the migration like choosing the correct tools for implementing the migration, time taken to migrate ,data compatibility, code conversion, application connectivity to database, database configuration parameters, performance analysis, replication setups, database monitoring, patching and backup strategies.


Abhinav Sagar and Premnath - migration from DB2 to postgresql.pptx


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