

Esteban Zimányi
Esteban Zimányi ULB Professor
Mahmoud SAKR
Mahmoud SAKR université libre de bruxelles Professor
: декабря
45 мин

MobilityDB: Managing Mobility Data in PostgreSQL

MobilityDB is an open source moving object database system (https://github.com/ULB-CoDE-WIT/MobilityDB). Its core function is to efficiently store and query mobility tracks, such as vehicle GPS trajectories. It implements the Moving Features specification from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). MobiltyDB is engineered up from PostgreSQL and PostGIS, providing spatiotemporal data management via SQL. It thus integrates with the postgreSQL eco-system allowing for complex architectures such as mobility stream processing and cloud deployments.

The presentation will explain the architecture of MobilityDB, its database types, indexes, and operations. We will highlight the PostgreSQL features that enable this extension, and the would like to have features. This presentation will be of special interest to the PostgreSQL community, and to professionals in the transportation domain.



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