PostgreSQL cluster высокой доступности под управлением Patroni для 1С. Единая точка входа организована Consul DNS на Windows.
200 баз, несколько кластеров, несколько терабайт данных Поделимся своим опытом настройки и использования patroni cluster Кластер СУБД под Linux, сервер 1С под windows. Используем: Сборка PostgreSQL для 1С, Patroni, Consul, Consul dns, Commvault, Ansible Vagrant файл и Ansible playbook c ролями прилагается.
Семён Трошкин - Postgres1CPatroni.pptxВидео
Другие доклады
Christopher Travers DeliveryHero SE Principle Engineer
Extending PostgreSQL in C: A Tutorial
PostgreSQL is one of the most readily extensible databases in the world. Custom data types, aggregations, functions, and more can be easily and safely written in C.
This hands-on tutorial covers the basics of writing functions, data types, and aggregates in C. It is recommended (though not strictly required) that bring their own laptops and be prepared to actually try the exercises.
Topics covered include: 1. The PostgreSQL type system 2. Creating a simple custom type in C 3. Common errors for non-C programmers 4. Creating a simple aggregate in C
There will be many opportunities for questions and discussion through the tutorial.
Александр Спирин Лига Цифровой Экономики DBAКирилл Калистратов InCountry Senior Performance Engineer
PostgreSQL Citus vs MongoDB sharded
Мы хотим поделиться структурой и результатами теста (производительности и не только), в котором участвовали PostgreSQL/Citus и MongoDB для данных нашей компании. Это был весьма увлекательный процесс с неожиданными поворотами и неоднозначным результатом.
Jose Cores Finotto Gitlab Inc Staff Engineer
Managing PostgreSQL at Gitlab.com
I would like to present the main projects for the evolution of our database, how we execute the administration, the problems and pitfalls we found, and how we solve them,the number and how are the database clusters from Gitlab.com , and what is our planning for the future, sharding, kubernetes... Our environment is in an exponential growth, with millions of users and thousands of requests per second, and we keep our platform stable and scaling. Join our session and discover our how we are doing it!
Álvaro Hernández OnGres
Kubernetes crash course for Postgres DBAs
Kubernetes is the new way of deploying software, programmatically, on almost any infrastructure (be it cloud or on-prem). But is a complex beast. How to get started? How to dive deeper? What are the specific best-practices and special hints for Postgres DBAs dealing with Kubernetes? Join this half-day tutorial to learn, practically, among other topics:
- How to quickly get started with Kubernetes
- Manage storage
- Manage services, networking and ingress/egress
- How to make Postgres cloud-native in Kubernetes
- Do a show-run of existing Postgres operators, including Zalando, CrunchyData and StackGres.
This tutorial is very practical. BYOL! (Bring Your Own Laptop). With Kubernetes installed! (check microk8s, minikube or k3s if you don’t have any installed.