

Christopher Travers
Christopher Travers Independent Community Member Principal Engineer
12:00 04 апреля
45 мин

Crazy things you can do with PostgreSQL Indexes

Of the relational databases, PostgreSQL is fairly unique in the indexing capabilities it offers. While most of us are familiar with the use of indexes to speed performance when filtering on columns, PostgreSQL indexes can do far more than this.

This talk will focus on cases where difficult problems were solved through the creative use of indexes. Each of these cases is from an episode in my career.

In this presentation, you will learn:

  • The general index access methods PostgreSQL supports out of the box
  • How the planner uses indexes (only on a high level)
  • Functional indexes
  • Creative use of Index Only scans.

This is a talk for all audiences. The talk is primarily for beginner to intermediate users, but should have enough information for more advanced users to get some insight or inspiration from the talk as well.



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